Exploring Sustenance Crops and Their Profit Potential
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In last week’s edition, we explored the methods of propagation and the importance of simple systems in our nursery. This week, we’ll focus on two final factors: sustenance crops and crop profitability.
Sustenance Crops
At our nursery, sustenance crops are a top priority. You might be wondering what that entails and whether your favorite tree crop made the cut. Personally, I consider myself a bit of a prepper, especially when it comes to crop selection. I think about what a person would need nutritionally if grocery stores were no longer available.
The grocery store is a relatively recent concept in the span of human history, and since the disruptions in supply chains post-COVID, I see the need to prepare for potential future challenges. In a survival scenario, the essentials would be fats, calories, and nutrients. Garden produce can deliver nutrients and calories. However, fats are crucial—without them, you risk serious health issues, as seen in cases of rabbit starvation.
In our region, key tree crop sources of fat include hickory, walnut, and hazelnut. These are essential components in our nursery’s focus on food-producing trees.
Next, let’s discuss carbohydrates. I’ve gone on fruit fasts a time or two throughout my life and found that while small fruits are rich in carbs, they often lack the fiber needed to feel full. This emphasizes the need for hunger-satiating carbohydrates. For me, chestnuts, oaks, and pome fruits are vital. Chestnuts and acorns can be processed into flour to be used for baked goods, while apples and pears offer fiber and sweetness, helping to enhance a potentially monotonous diet.
Finally, we have the nutrient component. Fruits act as nature’s multivitamin, and things like mulberries, peaches, pawpaws, and persimmons will be included to provide essential vitamins
Profitable Crops
As many of you know, I aspire to run my own farm one day. While most nursery owners focus on profitability in terms of monetary gain, my approach emphasizes the value I can provide to my customers.
For example, take chestnuts. They can be tricky to grow; mold can affect up to 30-40% of seeds, and various challenges may hinder growth. With that being said, in 2022, 6.7 million pounds of chestnuts were imported to the U.S., so there’s a significant market opportunity for those who successfully diversify their crop offerings with chestnuts. And this is just one crop example.
Here’s a few good reads on the topic (in reference to chestnut)
As we wrap up this series, I want to hear from you. What would you like to explore next? Here are our options:
Specific plant profiles from the nursery
The business plan
Our marketing plan for 2025
Your input is invaluable, so please share your thoughts by voting with a 1, 2, or 3 in response to this email or by leaving a comment below.
I look forward to connecting with you again next week!
Much love,
Many blessings,
PS Thank you for your continued support as I navigate this journey. This newsletter serves as my personal accountability tool while I work toward establishing a full-time plant nursery by 2027.
Another interesting read... your first 2 links are broke, however. But, I was able to poke around on Propagate and find the first one. As for future articles, I like #2 and #3 - would like to get a sense of what your goals are for your nursery and who your ideal customer is.